Towards an HIV Free Generation


HIVSA, a non-profit company with HWSETA accreditation, was established in 2002. The core objective of HIVSA is to provide development solutions to effectively tackle HIV/AIDS in the workplace and society alike. The two focus areas are Skills Development and Socio-Economic Development.
In line with B-BBEE requirements, our solutions, upon meeting specific criterion, may be deemed a credible B-BBEE contribution. All profits generated are reinvested into training and development programmes, making HIVSA a sustainable investment.

Focus Areas

  • Health & Wellness
  • Counseling
  • Peer Education
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Mentorship
  • HIV Testing and Support
  • Managing Community
  • Programmes
  • Workplace Policy

Skills Developement

HIVSA solutions are workshop driven, with aligned unit standard content. The tailor made solutions are designed to address the HIV/AIDS information shortfall being experienced by corporate South Africa.

Community – HIVSA offers corporate funded and SETA aligned Learnerships for Skills Development within communities.

Socio-Economic Development

Driven through corporate sponsorship, HIVSA trains those working within the social and healthcare sector, from community health workers to counsellors, peer educators and wellness practitioners.

This collaboration supports effective HIV prevention and links people to available HIV treatment services within the public sector.
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